Tag: open source

Pivotal Open Sources Entire Big Data Suite

As enterprise IT grows increasingly comfortable with using open source technologies, presence of enterprise vendors in the open source ecosystem grows too. Pivotal , the San Francisco-based company majority owned by EMC and VMware, whose mandate is to enable enterprise developers to build and deploy analytics-enabled software using modern agile development methods, has led three…

New Foundation Will Oversee Popular Coding Tool Node.js

Node.js – the popular open source tool for building and running websites and other online applications – is getting a new steward. Together with Microsoft, the Linux Foundation, IBM, PayPal, and Fidelity, the current steward, Joyent, is launching an independent foundation to oversee development of the project. Source: Tech

CoreCLR is now Open Source

We’re excited to announce that CoreCLR is now open source on GitHub. CoreCLR is the .NET execution engine in .NET Core , performing functions such as garbage collection and compilation to machine code. Source: Tech

Zimbra gets back to open source roots

The open source market landscape is growing by leaps and bounds, and it’s at a time like this that it’s important for Zimbra, a provider of collaboration software, to reinvigorate its open source roots. Here’s how we plan to encourage increased participation in community open source projects in 2015. Source: Tech

Linux Systems Caught In Targeted Attack Crosshairs

Linux, the operating system built and maintained via a cadre of volunteers that make up the open source community, has been relatively immune to dangerous threats. New research into a menacing targeted attack toolkit built for Windows PCs, however, identified components that suggest Linux users are also in its crosshairs. Source: Tech

WebRTC Setup and Build

In this whitepaper, we will be going through the steps necessary to build the WebRTC source code from Google in order to run their sample AppRTC/WebRTC application. WebRTC is an open source project initiated by Google* geared towards enabling web browsers with Real-Time Communication capabilities through the use of JavaScript APIs. Source: Tech

Lock Down Network Security with Newly Open Sourced Tools

In recent months, without a lot of fanfare, major technology firms have been open sourcing extremely sophisticated security tools. A number of these are flying under the radar, but they are worth knowing about. Here are some of most useful tools to be open sourced recently by Google, Facebook and Netflix. Nogotofail.  Last week, as…